The Book Club
The Lead-in
If you struggle with what to read next, you’ve come to the right place! There are so many books and who knows which ones are good or not? Book clubs are a great way to find new books, but they tend to pick already well-known books.
That’s why the End Game Press Team has set up The Book Club to highlight amazing books, provide discussion questions, and give sneak peaks about the book and its creation. The books featured come from a variety of authors writing in a wide range of genres and styles.
If you are looking for the next book to read, then we’ve got you covered.
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Featured Book
“In the Eye of the Storm” by Andy Clapp
In the Eye of the Storm
In this devotional, award-winning author Andy Clapp prepares the reader for the approaching storms of life. Remembering the uniqueness of storms of the past, Andy uses Scripture to address the storms we face in life, each one unique. From financial storms, to storms of doubt, life presents a plethora of turbulent waters and threatening skies.
This devotional guide draws in weather enthusiasts and speaks to the heart of all people. Every person faces storms in life. Though some experience health storms, others find a storm of fear threatening life each day. This devotional supports the reader, encourages the reader, and prepares the reader for storms that will arise one day. Each devotion features facts about actual hurricanes and deeply applies Scripture, while giving insight on the storms through the eyes of those who lived through them. With the nature of the world in a pandemic age, offering a book of encouragement and guidance benefits those who have lost their way in the struggle. In the Eye of the Storm reminds the reader that though life presents storms, they are not alone. The Lord is with us in the storm.
Discussion with the Author
Listen in as Alice Murray talks with author and Pastor Andy Clapp about In the Eye of the Storm.
Meet The Author
Andy Clapp
Andy Clapp
Growing up in North Carolina, faith played a major role in Andy Clapp’s early life. Living in North Carolina, he learned early in life about the nature of hurricanes and storms. Seeing the storms hit and the ways lives were impacted, Andy began to look at the way the storms of life damaged those who were unprepared.
Over the past twenty years of pastoral ministry, Andy has taught students and adults to grow in their faith and to understand the roots of their faith. As a pastor, Andy has witnessed firsthand individuals facing personal storms in their lives. The lack of preparation for financial, emotional, mental, and physical storms of life overwhelmed those Andy sought to help.
A weather enthusiast, Andy tracked storms beginning with Hurricane Hugo in 1989. The tornado in Tuscaloosa saw Andy lead his first relief mission to help those ravaged by a natural disaster. As Andy thought on these experiences, he longed to prepare people for the storms that may arise in their lives so they might be able to withstand the force of the storm. In the Eye of the Storm started as Hurricane Isaias approached North Carolina. Andy wrote while the sounds of the storm coverage filled the room. Seeing the despair of those struggling through the pandemic also pushed Andy to pursue this project immediately. His desire to help others who face desperation drove him to write these words. As he recently said in a sermon series on the topic, now is the time that the world is looking for peace in the middle of the storm.
Featured Book
“Someplace to be Somebody” by Lisa Loraine Baker
Someplace To Be Somebody: God’s Story in the Life of Marshall Brandon
How do you choose life when all you’ve ever known is destruction? By the time Marshall Brandon was five, he’d been beaten, abused, and abandoned. By eighteen he was addicted and dealing drugs, fully involved in living the life of a thug. By the time he finished his tour in Vietnam, all he wanted was to take the white man down.
But God had other ideas.
In a memoir that reads like an adrenaline-packed novel, you’ll delve deep inside the life of a man who should not have survived, let alone be ministering to men and women in a way few others can. A man working to free people from opioid addiction and fighting the brutal racial rifts that are battering our country. Someplace to Be Somebody is real. Raw. And the riveting story of a man crushing insurmountable odds through the power of a God that says nothing is impossible.
Discussion with the Authors
Listen in as Alice Murray talks with author Lisa Loraine Baker and Pastor Marshall Brandon about Someplace to be Somebody which was written as a memoir on Brandon’s life. In this 20-minute interview, Murray dives in and asks questions that readers have been dying to know the answers to.
Meet The Authors
Lisa Loraine Baker and Marshall Brandon
Lisa Loraine Baker/Marshall Brandon
Lisa Loraine Baker has been writing since she was in junior high school, but finally made the transition to full-time writer in the last few years (after a career in retail and direct sales, and as a pastor’s assistant). Always a lover of words and an avid reader, Lisa excelled in academic pursuits and also has a gift for languages. After becoming a Christian and immersing herself in Bible studies through her church body, Lisa entered Moody Bible Institute through online and extension studies. She has a heart for missions, and pours what the Lord shows her into her writing.
The call to write full-time came as Lisa shared through emails her late husband’s trials with cancer. Her priority was as his caregiver, yet throughout, she continued her writer’s training as a member of the Christian Writers Guild, gaining education and encouragement from a Guild mentor (Joyce K. Ellis). During her husband’s remissions, Lisa was able to attend two of their conferences and learn more about the business/craft, and met with agents/publishers.
The Lord called her husband home in 2014, and amid ongoing endurance of grief, Lisa’s passion for writing was renewed. For seven years (2004-2012), she assisted an African-American pastor (Marshall Brandon) at her former home church. He has an amazing and timely testimony, and they concurrently decided she should write his memoir. Lisa spent many hours interviewing Marshall and had a treasure-trove of material. She hired a writing coach (Ginger Moran) to help her get the story written in a tight and compelling form, and she and her coach have an ongoing professional relationship. She continued tightening the manuscript with help from editor, Janis Whipple, who works with Eva Marie Everson’s Pen in Hand Editing Service.
By the time Marshall Brandon was five he’d been beaten, abused, and abandoned. By eighteen he was addicted to drugs, dealing them, and living the life of a thug. By the time he finished his tour in Vietnam, all he wanted was to take the white man down.
But God had other ideas.
Ideas like Marshall becoming a pastor at a lily-white mega church. And speaking deep into the minds and hearts of his congregation.
In his memoir, Someplace to be Somebody, that reads like an adrenaline-packed novel, you’ll delve deep inside the life of a man who should not have survived, let alone be ministering to men and women in a way few others can. A man freeing people from opioid addiction, and fighting the brutal racial rifts that are battering our country.
Jeanie ★★★★★
A Riveting Story that Offers Hope
Someplace to Be Somebody is a well-written, page-turner—the dramatic story of Marshall Brandon. The riveting plot travels from bad to worse as influences in Marshall’s life harden him. Poverty, abuse, Vietnam, drugs, crime, and prison. Author, Lisa Loraine Baker, skillfully traces racism and violence throughout periods of American history and how they impacted this man. But God used all of Marshall’s past for His glory. Truly an amazing story that offers hope.
Lori ★★★★★
I never tire of reading redemption stories, and this one doesn’t disappoint. With all the drama of a Hollywood movie, Marshall Brandon’s story is too amazing to be fiction. That every word of it is true makes it the perfect gift for someone who doubts that God can transform the hardest heart. It’s the perfect gift for someone who’s searching or someone who has no idea what to search for.
Featured Book
Revived & Renovated by Victoria Duerstock and Paige Rien
Revived and Renovated: Real Life Conversations on the Intersection of Home, Faith, and Everything in Between
HGTV alum and interior designer Paige Rien and Victoria Duerstock build on their IGTV series by the same name. They look at the roles both “revival” and “renovation” play in our spiritual journeys and the parallels of this work done in the homes we love to live in and renovate.
Discussion with the Authors
Listen in as Alice Murray talks with authors Victoria Duerstock and Paige Rien about Revived & Renovated. In this 20-minute interview, Murray dives in and asks questions that readers want to know answers to.
Meet The Authors
Victoria Duerstock
Victoria Duerstock
A multi-passionate creative fueled mostly by coffee, Victoria Duerstock relentlessly pursues her dreams. Writing, speaking, and helping creatives grow their platforms with DIY and done-for-you solutions keeps her busy!
Victoria’s mission is to create beauty and cultivate community by leveraging resources, impacting others, and leaving a legacy.
Paige Rein
Paige Rien
Paige Rien’s an author, designer, and HGTV alum whose mission to her readers is to put their whole selves into their homes. After a career on HGTV’s “Hidden Potential” for five seasons, Paige created a homeowner’s guide to explore and encourage the creative journey that is homemaking in her first book, Love the House You’re’ In 40 Ways to Improve Your Home & Change Your Life. (Roost Books, 2016)
Paige is passionate that work on the home is incredibly important - that our homes can be places of refuge, self-expression, and where we truly matter the most. Work on both her own home and the homes of others has been part of a 20+ year recovery journey for Paige.
Paige is also the founder of Paige Rien Interiors where she provides a wide range of design consulting services to clients around the world.
Amy ★★★★★
Helped Me See Myself, My Home, and My Faith in a New Way
When I pre-ordered Revived & Renovated, I didn’t know what to expect. I was drawn to the description, conversations on two things I love, home and faith. I must admit, I hadn’t read any other books by co-author, Victoria Duerstock, and I hadn’t seen co-author Paige Rien on HGTV (now I will!) but there was something about this book. I was curious. I love to read, but I’m a slow reader—and I always have about 10 books I’m in the middle of, but three days after Revived & Renovated came in the mail, I had read it cover to cover. Reading the conversations of these two women was a revelation. Funny how God places something you didn’t even know you needed right there in front of you. The book featured words typically associated with home and furniture renovation and compared them to the work we do in faith. Chapters connect with Bible verses. A personal view and practical advice are given to home projects. Victoria and Paige were incredibly open and authentic, like true friends. They allowed me to see myself and my home in a new way, one that I feel I knew underneath everything, but one that they helped me to uncover. Not just to uncover, but to give me permission to connect my faith and my home in a way that blessed me. I’ve already recommended this book to my daughter and my niece, and now I’m recommending it to you! ~ Amy Houts, author of God’s Protection Covers Me (Beaming Books)
Amanda ★★★★★
Revived and Renovated was so well done. I have never read a book before where there was an actual conversation and back-and-forth going on the entire time. I felt like I was almost eavesdropping on someone’s conversation. These women did a excellent job in mixing scripture, faith and relating it all back to the home. Would highly recommend it!