Deanne Reid

Deanne rallies people to adventures to help relationships and communities thrive. After obtaining her master’s degree and working as a speech-language pathologist, she shifted to full-time work with the college campus ministry of Cru in 2014. She enjoys exploring hard questions about the Bible from college women in the U.S. and overseas. God’s gift of adventure and noble quests motivates Deanne for each new day, including hobbies like equestrian vaulting and aerial silk acrobatics. She is married to Robert, the cowboy of her dreams, and finds adventures in the mountains near their Montana home.

Deanne brings her book project to End Game Press for release Fall 2024 - Her Battle Strength: Relying on God and Relating to Men as a Force for Good

Many voices empower women to live out our strengths and change the world—an important, needed message. But few invite us to wield our strengths as an intentional force for good in our relationships with men. And few explore why such an endeavor could be beneficial for women and our communities. You will find that invitation and exploration here, in the true adventure stories of women from Scripture and today. 

A battlefield beckons.

Whether single or married, professional or homemaker, you are invited to the three adventures of living in confidence, embracing inspiration, and stepping into courage.   


Billie Jauss


Cindy Schmidler