Andy Clapp

Growing up in North Carolina, faith played a major role in Andy Clapp’s early life. Living in North Carolina, he learned early in life about the nature of hurricanes and storms. Seeing the storms hit and the ways lives were impacted, Andy began to look at the way the storms of life damaged those who were unprepared. 

Over the past twenty years of pastoral ministry, Andy has taught students and adults to grow in their faith and to understand the roots of their faith. As a pastor, Andy has witnessed firsthand individuals facing personal storms in their lives. The lack of preparation for financial, emotional, mental, and physical storms of life overwhelmed those Andy sought to help.

A weather enthusiast, Andy tracked storms beginning with Hurricane Hugo in 1989. The tornado in Tuscaloosa saw Andy lead his first relief mission to help those ravaged by a natural disaster. As Andy thought on these experiences, he longed to prepare people for the storms that may arise in their lives so they might be able to withstand the force of the storm. In the Eye of the Storm started as Hurricane Isaias approached North Carolina. Andy wrote while the sounds of the storm coverage filled the room. Seeing the despair of those struggling through the pandemic also pushed Andy to pursue this project immediately. His desire to help others who face desperation drove him to write these words. As he recently said in a sermon series on the topic, now is the time that the world is looking for peace in the middle of the storm.


Eva Marie Everson


Melanie Redd